I built a garden studio

I had a garden
I dug a hole
I made a frame, then banged in some fence post spikes and filled the frame with rubble
I placed down a damp proof membrane and reinforcing mesh, then filled the frame with concrete
I cut the fence posts to length and placed them upright; then laid a single layer of bricks, more damp proof membrane and fitted two doors
Fixed beams for the roof and added a temporary cover; then put up battens, boards and insulation - in that order
Used recycled casement windows, made frames and installed them
Fitted cladding (English Cedar), finished windows
Temporary roof cover (spare membrane), more membrane and battens under OSB boards that I used as flooring
Thick polycarbonate roofing… lots of light!
Good quality ply boards for the interior walls, plenty of tools, gutter and down pipe
Painted ply walls (white of course), varnished flooring
Made shelves and added furniture (storage for art materials, tools and paper, etc.)
Fitted a solar panel, inverter, battery; then add iPhone chargers, radio, fan, small heater and lighting
Filled with art materials and clutter, hard work, tea drinking and chilli growing!
Hey presto, instant man-cave! Thanks for reading

modularmark aka Mark Carter is an artist interested in abstract painting or collage.